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Behind the Brand



An independent company, specialising in beautifully handcrafted home-ware products.

Set up in 2020 the aim was to create a company to enable Darcy to design and make products that she truly loved. Being young and setting up a business was a daunting task, but the dream to create her own work proved too desirable. And so deloise was born, a company which aims to deliver beautifully handmade ceramic home-ware


Darcy studied Furniture and Product design at university and found ceramics during a placement year spent in a ceramics studio. Here she learnt everything about ceramics and production, from rolling slabs of clay, to slip-casting and the very beginnings of throwing. During the first Covid-19 lockdown Darcy spent her time learning to throw, over the following 4 years this skill was nurtured until she felt comfortable to sell her work in 2023.


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